Marriage Policy


Who We Are
Marriage Policy

Our Mission at New Wine Church is to lead people to a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. New Wine Church exists to equip and to encourage people of all ages in their pursuit of an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and the power of His Spirit.

We believe that God designed marriage to be a covenant between one man and one woman and that it should only be open to the joining of people who choose to live according to biblical principles. God calls us to live in agreement with His purposes for marriage, which are described in the Bible. We believe that the Lord desires a passionate and eternal wedding ceremony where two people come together as one before Him and pledge fidelity, love, and obedience to each other.

We also believe that the institution of marriage should be open to the joining of all people who choose to live according to biblical principles. We believe that marriage is a covenant between one man and one woman, ordained by God.

We believe that marriage is a sacred covenant between one man and one woman, ordained by God. It is an institution designed to unite two people in a lifelong commitment to cherish and love each other. A Christian marriage should be entered into with the expectation of Lifelong Togetherness and a Life Purpose beyond self-serving desires.

The Bible speaks of marriage in a number of ways, often comparing it to the relationship between a husband and wife. For example, Ephesians 5:22 says that marriage is “an ordinance of God by which two become one” and 1 Corinthians 7:12-14 tells us that the goal of marriage is not sexual intercourse but the spiritual union of husband and wife.

Christian marriage is based on the love and trust that God has placed in us, which leads to a covenantal relationship. In marriage, spouses are called to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ and a strong desire to live faithfully together in obedience. Christian marriage embodies the Trinity and is holy because it produces children who are holy (1 John 3:4). In the Bible, Christian marriage is seen as a sign of God.

Expectations of Those Who Desire to be Married at the New Wine Church

Commitment to Jesus Christ

Before attending a Christian wedding ceremony at the New Wine Church, we expect that both you and your fiancée have taken a significant step to dedicate your lives and marriages to Jesus Christ. We believe that anyone who wishes to be married at the New Wine Church will agree with the essential truths outlined in our What We Believe Statement.

Member of the New Wine Church

Being dedicated to Christ means dedicating oneself to His church. All who wish to marry at the New Wine Church will be required to show their commitment to continue to grow in their connection with Jesus Christ by attending regular weekly worship sessions at the church and becoming an official member prior to their wedding. We feel that a Christian wedding creates the opportunity for the entire church to assist the newlywed pair by being with them, praying with them, and encouraging them.

Your Lifestyle

Being committed to Christ means following the conduct taught in the Bible and living a Christian life. As a result, all those who designed to be married at the New Wine Church will be required to accept a pledge of sexual purity (abstinence) and a readiness to live apart from their future spouse before their marriage.

“God wants you to be holy, so you should keep clear of all sexual sin. Then each of you will control your body and live in holiness and honor – not in lustful passion as the pagans do, in their ignorance of God and his ways.” (I Thessalonians 4: 3-5, NLT)

The wonderful news is that it is never too late to makes changes to your way of living and begin doing things God’s way, even if you have already been married and/or already have children! We’d be happy to assist you identify solutions that will honor God and support your marriage’s long-term success.

Homosexual or Same Sex Marriage

The interpretation of marriage that was established by God and recorded in His Word is incompatible with the decision of the Supreme Court on homosexual marriage. No human legislation has the power to contradict what God scripted into the holy law of nature and His Word, according to God’s covenant of marriage, which was created by Him. God states that a man and a woman shall be united as one.

We (the pastoral staff and leadership of the New Wine Church) assert that because we hold this deeply religious conviction regarding marriage, we will not perform or celebrate any same sex marriages. Neither will we allow any property belonging to the New Wine Church to be used to celebrate or perform any homosexual marriage. We also urge our congregants to refrain from celebrating or attending any same sex marriage ceremonies.

We recognize the dignity and humanity of all God’s children, while at the same time opposing and resisting any alteration to God’s original definition of marriage.