We want you to pray for those who were impacted by COVID-19. Everyone from our government officials to health care professionals to ill and downcast people. Pray that those who are in His presence will be assured of His power, peace, and comfort. Please click the link below if you are in need of prayer.
Request Prayer
Psalm 46 Prayer
At this time, all Connection Groups are encouraged to continue meeting. FaceTime, Zoom, Facebook, and other video/audio conferencing options which are available. Following local public health guidance, groups are also given the freedom to meet in-person. Stay in touch with your group by using every resource available!
New Wine Kids and Student Ministry will open as on Sunday, February 20 during the 10:45a service. For more information, email Pastor Burch or at [email protected].
The church office is open from Monday-Thursday, 9:00a-4:00p. If you have any needs from the staff or Pastors, you can email [email protected].